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Jenis Kaskuser unik - Keyboard Warrior
Salam kemerdekaan gan

Setelah sekian lama, ane baru bisa balik lagi ke forum tercinta ini, emoticon-Betty
Kali ini ane ingin membahas mengenai salah satu tipe kaskuser yang (mungkin) jumlahnya sedikit (perkiraan ane sih 20%an) tapi bikin repot.

Kalo ama teman2 ane, ane sering sebutnya keyboard warrior.
Ada yang tahu ?

Berbeda dengan beberapa ID yang karena dengan alasan tertentu (seperti ane) nggak mau terekspos, jenis keyboard warrior biasanya gabung di thread2 yang "panas". Lebih parah lagi, kalo di thread yang "adem", mereka suka banget meng"hangat"kan suasana.

Beginilah definisi keyboard warrior (dirangkai dari berbagai sumber):

Urban Dictionary :

Keyboard Warrior
Definisi pertama
1. A Person who, being unable to express his anger through physical violence (owning to their physical weakness, lack of bravery and/or conviction in real life), instead manifests said emotions through the text-based medium of the internet, usually in the form of aggressive writing that the Keyboard Warrior would not (for reasons previously mentioned) be able to give form to in real life.
2. The term is a combination of the word 'keyboard' (the main tool by which the person expresses his/her latent rage) and 'warrior' (due to the warrior-like aggression, tendency towards violence, headstrong nature and propensity towards brute force as a means of resolving conflict rather than more subtle means dependant on finesse).
3. The Keyboard Warrior seeks to use the power imbued in his 'weapon' to effect death and destruction (in a strictly-metaphorical sense) upon his foes (other virtual identities he has encountered on the internet). In essence, the keyboard (ie. text input ability) allows the keyboard warrior to manifest his true warrior nature in a safe and removed environment, from which no real-life repercussions .
4. Keyboard Warriors are generally identified by unneccessary rage in their written communications, and are regarded as 'losers' by other virtual identities on the internet.

Ken is such a keyboard warrior when he gets onto the internet.

Definisi kedua
Some one who makes/uses agressive words against some one on the interenet (especially msn and forums. Usally a quiet small natured persopn in real life.
"Shut the fuck up wanker" - "why dont you say that to my face then when i meet you"

Definisi ketiga
A warrior who physically wields a keyboard as his main weapon.
That keyboard warrior beat the shit out of that guy with his keyboard.

Definisi keempat
A person who acts tough, or puts down others over the internet.
"Dude this guy was being a Keyboard Warrior to me last night."

"What'd he say?"

"He said I was a stupid and an immature little noob."

Sebenarnya ada puluhan definisi lain mengenai keyboard warrior
Tapi rasanya nggak perlu dibahas semua di sini.

Ane hanya ingin tahu, sebenarnya teman-teman keyboard warrior itu tujuannya ngapain ya?
kalo emang punya pendapat yang dirasa benar, bukankah lebih baik langsung kopdar aja, biar langsung dapat pencerahan?

yang ane perhatiin lagi, biasanya keyboard warrior langsung ngacir begitu dikonfrontasi. Jadi sebenarnya maunya gimana ya?

di salah satu thread yang ane baca, malah ada Kaskuser yang langsung membeberkan identitas "tersangka". kalo begini, apakah nggak malah mengganggu ketenangan ente?

Ane hanya ingin tahu pendapat agan-agan sekalian, bukan cari rusuh.

sekian trit ane yang nggak terlalu penting ini
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