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china memperkuat kerjasama atas di perlakukan pembekuan ekonomi rusia oleh barat

MOSCOW, October 10 (RIA Novosti) - Ahead of his visit to Moscow, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang has urged Russia to step up innovation cooperation in a variety of spheres, from high-tech engineering to energy-saving tech.
"Innovation cooperation between China and Russia has become a glorious aspect of our partnership," Li Keqiang wrote in an op-ed published Friday in Russia's Rossiyskaya Gazeta daily.
"In this regard, it is important to create a new model of cooperation and expand… the share… of scientific and technological innovations," the Chinese official wrote.
According to Prime Minister Li, Moscow and Beijing could step up cooperation in such spheres as high-tech engineering, energy-saving technologies, environmental protection, biopharmaceutics, IT and finance.
He stressed that closer bilateral ties between the two countries in the field of science and technology could give a new impetus to a more comprehensive, strategic partnership and "use the advantage of excellent political relations to assure real benefits for our peoples," which Li said was the goal of his upcoming visit to Russia.
Li Keqiang's three-day trip to Moscow will last from October 12-14 and will be his first visit to the country since his appointment in March 2013.
In the wake of western sanctions against Russia's key economic sectors, Moscow has energized its technology cooperation and trade ties with China. Beijing is Russia's largest trade partner, with bilateral trade flows of $100 billion.


China's Li Keqiang in Russia For Talks With Vladimir Putin

Moscow: Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Sunday arrived in Moscow for talks with President Vladimir Putin as Russia is struggling with its most pronounced isolation since the end of the Cold War.

"It is a major event in the bilateral relations," Chinese Vice Minister Cheng Guoping said ahead of Li's visit.

He said both sides would sign a joint communique and about 50 agreements. "We are confident it will be a success," he said.

Li's first visit to Russia as premier comes at a sensitive time as the Kremlin is grappling with the consequences of its support for separatists in Ukraine during a six-month conflict in the east of the ex-Soviet country.

Besides meeting Putin on Tuesday, Li during his three-day visit will also meet with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev and attend an economic forum.

Once bitter foes during the Cold War, Moscow and Beijing have over the past years ramped up cooperation as both are driven by a desire to counterbalance US global dominance.

China and Russia often work in lockstep at the UN Security Council, using their veto power as permanent council members to counter the West on issues such as the Syria crisis.

Russia's showdown with the West over Ukraine has given Kremlin a new impetus to court Beijing.

China for its part has spoken out against the sanctions slapped on Russia by the European Union and the United States to make the Kremlin change tack over Ukraine.

"China always opposes the wilful use of sanctions or the threat of sanctions," said Cheng.

"We welcome the moves by various parties to encourage the momentum of a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue."

Putin late Saturday ordered a pullback of troops from the border with Ukraine and will hold crunch talks with Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko on the sidelines of an Asia-Europe meeting in Milan next week.

Ahead of his Russian visit, Li travelled to Germany for talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Ada panda emoticon-Angkat Beer semua beres gan emoticon-Big Grin
Keparat asuw dan EU!

Silahkan komeng dan Sara Nya gan emoticon-Angkat Beer
Diubah oleh bajier 12-10-2014 12:18
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